Domestic Violence Attorneys in Illinois
Advocates for Victims of Domestic Violence
Sometimes relationships can become threatening and even physically and emotionally abusive. The attorneys at Ciesla Beeler have extensive experience securing Orders of Protection for clients and their children, who have been threatened or have experienced physical or emotional abuse by a family member, ex-spouse or household member, and have defended clients falsely accused of violent or threatening behavior.
Illinois Order of Protection
In Illinois, an act of actual violence does not have to occur for a court to award an Order of Protection. While physical abuse is the basis for some Orders of Protection, harassment, interference with personal liberty, stalking, willful deprivation and intimidation of dependents are factors courts consider in awarding an Order of Protection.
There are three types of Orders of Protection in Illinois:
Emergency Order of Protection. Emergency Orders of Protection are obtained quickly, filing the initial petition and proceeding to court on the same day. The Order can be issued without notice to the person accused of the violence or threat thereof. Emergency Orders of Protection typically last 7-21 days, until a hearing for a Plenary Order of Protection can be held.
Interim Order of Protection. Interim Orders of Protection provide an additional period of protection, if the hearing on the Plenary Order of Protection is delayed.
Plenary Order of Protection. Plenary Orders of Protection are issued after a court hearing in which all parties have the opportunity to testify. These Orders can last up to two years.
What if an Order of Protection is Served on Me?
Sometimes partners make false allegations of abuse during contentious litigation in order to gain what they perceive to be a litigation advantage. While unfortunate, this does happen.
The first thing you should do is to make certain you fully understand the order. While you disagree that it was entered, it is important for you to follow its restrictions until you can go to a full hearing before a judge on the allegations.
The next thing you should do is hire a skilled attorney who can help you challenge the false accusations and restore your rights.
Call Ciesla Beeler When You Need a Tough Domestic Violence Attorney
Domestic Violence issues are serious. When you need a lawyer to protect you throuhgh the process of obtaining or defending an Order of Protection, contact Ciesla Beeler. Our attorneys are recognized throughout Illinois and are ready to meet with you to assess your case and provide sound legal strategies to address your situation. Contact us today via email info@cieslabeeler.com or call 847.868.1860 for your free consultation.
Choose Your Approach
Practice Areas
Alimony (Maintenance)
Child Advocacy
Child Custody
Child Support
College Expenses
Collaborative Divorce
Divorce Litigation
Domestic Violence
Hidden Assets
High Net Worth Divorce
LGBTQ Representation
Post Divorce
Post Nuptial Agreements
Prenuptial Agreements
Removal (Relocation)
Uncontested Divorce
Wills, Trusts & Estate Planning
Clients We Serve
Corporate Executives
Business Owners
Working Professionals
Stay at Home Spouses
International Clients
High net-worth individuals
Clients in long-term marriages
Individuals contemplating marriage